Why Join?

Benefits of Solid Rock Membership

Solid Rock offers a wide variety of educational, religious, and social opportunities to our members throughout the year.

Membership Benefits

Solid Rock offers a wide variety of educational, religious, and social opportunities to our members throughout the year.


In addition to our campus day classes, Solid Rock holds field trips, meet-ups, and other events and opportunities for our members.


Other events and activities include, but are not limited to: mom’s nights, volunteer/community outreach opportunities, holiday and pizza parties, and presentation nights.

Solid Rock members will receive encouragement, support, information, and updates shared via our private Facebook page, newsletter, website, and in person.


New Summer of 2024: Solid Rock Homeschool Group Buy/Sell/Trade page for members only!

Membership Requirements & Fee Information

Solid Rock membership is open to any homeschooling family that has submitted a membership application, paid membership and insurance fees, and read and agreed with our:

Statement of Faith

Policies and Procedures

Background Check Policy

Solid Rock campus days are open to any Solid Rock family, as campus day enrollment space allows. See class registration information here.

Solid Rock membership also requires:

  • Participation of at least one legal parent/guardian.
  • Participating children be homeschooled.
  • Parents/Guardians and Volunteers consent to and clear background checks.
  • Families contribute to the group by teaching a class, helping in a class, helping set up/clean up after Solid Rock functions, or by serving in another capacity.


Annual Membership (academic year is July 1 – June 30):

  • $20 Full year membership (July 1 – June 30)*
  • $10 Half year membership for those joining after November 1*  (renews in July at $20)


Insurance Fee:

  • $10 per participating person per year*

Additional campus day and class fees may apply*

*Fees may vary from year to year based on fundraising and donation-based gifts that help offset these costs.

HSLDA Discount for Members

Solid Rock is a discount group of HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association), which is an organization that advocates, encourages, and supports homeschooling families. With this, our organization receives a discounted rate on insurance as well as other benefits.


Our Solid Rock discount number gives our members an opportunity to save on HSLDA annual membership. Please use our discount number if your family personally wishes to join HSLDA.


*Number available for members only. 

Want to volunteer?


Contact Us

Talk with a leadership team member about volunteering.


Submit Your Information

Tell us about yourself.


Wait a bit...

We will need a little time to complete a background check and call your references. 


Congrats! You Are A Volunteer!

Thank you for partnering with us!

Start The Process of becoming a volunteer